Writing one word at a time as fast as I can.
Books and Music
My foray into serious writing began with a poem.
A simple dedication of love.
At the time I was also interested in making music and a friend gave me a tip: anything you write, you can sing, you only need a guitar.
I taught myself a few basic guitar chords, took my poem and converted it into a song. It became the first song I ever wrote.
Since then I have written hundreds of lyrics.
Many of them became songs but many didn’t.
The writing of lyrics became my passion. I found converting them into songs as the best way to express my writing.
However the writing, much more than the music, was my focus.
Music was just a tool to convey the words.
At some stage I decided to go a step further and write a musical. I made several attempts at writing the musical but it never really came together.
About two years ago I decided to take the plunge and write something more substantial than a poem or a lyric.
I decided to write a novel.
Writing an entire book seemed daunting. It required so many words. I was used to writing very short and concise pieces. I started with a few ideas that I had, but in the end the pull of the story behind the musical was the strongest.
It wouldn’t let me go. It is now out in the world. My first novel: Loreless.
Read the regularly updated blog for book releases, writing tips, inspiration and obscure brain dumps.
Getting Book 5 out into the World
Recently, Brimstone and Ashes, the story I worked on for more than a year, was published.To be honest, there were times I thought it would never get there. But it has. I can sleep soundly at night. I am still an author! The past year has been hell. A messy...
Going Postal: Why Delivering Mail Is Like Writing A Novel
Several months ago I took a part-time job to supplement my author activities. I am at the relative beginning of my publishing career and have not yet generated a stable income. Therefore, I became a postman. Apart from the financial aspect, it has also has proven to...
How (Not) To Write A Debut Novel
A long time ago, in a land far, far away, a writer slaved over a mechanical typewriter… He didn't know it at the time but he was writing what would one day become his debut novel. The typewriter had been procured at the local market for the princely sum of fifteen...
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