
All things Whittlesea The Band



The Epic Elixir

Acoustic music never went down this good.

The Whole Shebang




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Previous Albums

Scribbles on Music

Prince’s Legacy: Coincidences And A Strange Development

Prince’s Legacy: Coincidences And A Strange Development

After working for six months on my new book, I have experienced a strange coincidence. Life throws the strangest things at you. When I started writing about Anais Blue, I never expected one of the characters in the book would die. I don’t mean die in the book, but in...

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Stop Chasing The Muse

Stop Chasing The Muse

Yesterday I was reading an article about writing and the subject of the muse came up. noun \ˈmyüz\ 1 capitalised  :  any of the nine sister goddesses in Greek mythology presiding over song and poetry and the arts and sciences 2:  a source of inspiration; especially ...

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How to Surrender to Triumph and Failure

How to Surrender to Triumph and Failure

I am about to spend another weekend in the recording studio. A few months ago we began working on a new album. At that first recording session, I was forced to question whether what I was doing was a triumph or a failure. The owner of the studio is a guy called Milan....

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