Books, Complicated Blue, Inspiration, Loreless, Writing
Creating great fictional characters draws on all of a writer’s knowledge of mankind. Quite often a character is a conglomeration of people they have met in real life. Some people have a greater influence on the development of a character than others. Some leave a...
Books, Inspiration, Loreless, Publishing
The feeling that I didn’t have the right to write from an indigenous perspective was a major obstacle for me for a long time. It prevented me from finishing a musical around the original idea for Loreless. It held me back with writing the novel. No matter how many...
Inspiration, Music, Reviews
Locked together for a weekend in Sing Sing Studio, they discussed the state of world affairs, exchanged life experiences and shared personal insights. They listened intently to a songwriter screaming his lungs out and tried to formulate a cunning plan. After three...
Complicated Blue, Encouragement, Inspiration, Writing
What is writers block? What is any form of creative block? Is it real or is it invented? I don’t know whether what I’m experiencing is a block. I only realised it when I wrote the title to this post. I gave it that name, but is it really what I think it is?...
Inspiration, Reviews, Writing
Learning the ropes as an author and independent publisher involves gleaning information from all kinds of sources. Inevitably you are drawn into what the internet has to offer. There are thousands of experts and gurus out there who are more than willing to share their...
Encouragement, Inspiration, Writing
I have been struggling. Perseverance is getting me down. Writing itself and being a dedicated author is not a problem. It’s more about coming to terms with finding an audience. Creating a novel is only part of my job as an author. I have to make sure others can...