The Passing Of Daisy Bates

The Passing Of Daisy Bates

During the writing of Loreless I did an enormous amount of research, much more then I could ever actually use in the book. I have decided to share some of this information, and at the same time, give you a bit of an insight into the writing process. In the book there...
Great Uncle Josiah Goes To War

Great Uncle Josiah Goes To War

My great-uncle Josiah was in his sixties when he enlisted. Like many men during the Great War he faked his age in order to be accepted. What made his story different from most was that he lowered it. Most men put their ages up. He said he was forty-four. I don’t know...
The Not So Great War

The Not So Great War

Over a hundred years ago, my grandfather went off to war. He was young, and possibly, panting at the bit to go. He may have gone earlier if it hadn’t been for age restrictions. It was to be a great adventure. Every able-bodied man wanted to be part of...
The Library

The Library

Here I am again in the library. Not just any library. This one is special. When I first decided to write seriously this was one of my first discoveries. Like a lot of discoveries, you want to keep it to yourself. If too many people know about it then it won’t be a...
How To Become A Publishing Expert

How To Become A Publishing Expert

There seems to be no end of people online with an opinion on writing. And not only about what the best methods are for putting words on the page, there are also literally thousands giving advice on publishing. I’m no publishing expert but it is clear to me that...

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