Attempting to Dissect a Bad Review

Attempting to Dissect a Bad Review

I recently received a rather confronting review on Amazon about my novel Loreless. Some of it was positive, some bordering on an insult and, in part, outright scathing. At least that was how I read it and I feel compelled to react. As an author, I have been advised...
And Then What Happened to Billy?

And Then What Happened to Billy?

Many of the readers of Loreless want more. They expect a sequel. They want to know what happens to Billy. My intention with the book was to encourage people to find out more about indigenous culture. However, readers seem to be more interested in the characters and...
Perseverance Is Everything

Perseverance Is Everything

I have been struggling. Perseverance is getting me down. Writing itself and being a dedicated author is not a problem. It’s more about coming to terms with finding an audience. Creating a novel is only part of my job as an author. I have to make sure others can...
Kakadu: Boating With Sharks, Crocodiles and Wisdom

Kakadu: Boating With Sharks, Crocodiles and Wisdom

Going on a river cruise in Australia’s Kakadu National Park is quite unlike any other cruise you are likely to undertake. You won’t come across many places in the world where you find yourself sitting in a boot which is floating on waters teeming with crocodiles...
A Publishing Aftermath and a New Beginning

A Publishing Aftermath and a New Beginning

A couple of weeks ago I published my first book. I sent Loreless out into the world. To use a well-worn cliche, it was a baptism of fire. Now in the aftermath I realise I am at the beginning once again. For months and months I had no fear. I was convinced of what I...
The Passing Of Daisy Bates

The Passing Of Daisy Bates

During the writing of Loreless I did an enormous amount of research, much more then I could ever actually use in the book. I have decided to share some of this information, and at the same time, give you a bit of an insight into the writing process. In the book there...

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