Around the World: The Riots of Hong Kong

Around the World: The Riots of Hong Kong

Around the World: The Riots of Hong Kong As a writer, the journeys I take are usually in my head. However, towards the end of 2019, I embarked on a physical journey. I went around the world one and a half times between October 2019 and March 2020. After which, the...
How To Demolish A Community

How To Demolish A Community

At present I am an artist-in-residence in Bajesdorp, a small community in Amsterdam. However, perhaps not for very much longer. The community is facing a difficult future. The Dutch government has sold the land it stands on to a developer. In a few short months they...
A Change Is Better Than A Holiday

A Change Is Better Than A Holiday

I’ve had a mammoth week of change. I moved house three times, went to a writers’ conference in Dublin and started a new life as an artist in residence. I’m exhausted, but happy. Some weeks are much better than others. Change beats holidays hands down. Ireland It was...
Going In Search Of Wonder Woman

Going In Search Of Wonder Woman

For Father’s Day I wanted to do something with my kids. I decided to go to a movie. I wanted to see a specific movie which I had heard had touched people. We went to see Wonder Woman. The Cinema We went to what I consider Amsterdam’s best cinema. It is a masterpiece...
10 Weird Myths About Witches

10 Weird Myths About Witches

According to the rules of the story world of Anaïs Blue, I would like to dispel some witch myths. The fictional realm of my witch is different to usual stories about them. I ditched the whole medieval idea of witches and the myths associated with them. I created my...
Attempting to Dissect a Bad Review

Attempting to Dissect a Bad Review

I recently received a rather confronting review on Amazon about my novel Loreless. Some of it was positive, some bordering on an insult and, in part, outright scathing. At least that was how I read it and I feel compelled to react. As an author, I have been advised...
Perseverance Is Everything

Perseverance Is Everything

I have been struggling. Perseverance is getting me down. Writing itself and being a dedicated author is not a problem. It’s more about coming to terms with finding an audience. Creating a novel is only part of my job as an author. I have to make sure others can...
Kakadu: Boating With Sharks, Crocodiles and Wisdom

Kakadu: Boating With Sharks, Crocodiles and Wisdom

Going on a river cruise in Australia’s Kakadu National Park is quite unlike any other cruise you are likely to undertake. You won’t come across many places in the world where you find yourself sitting in a boot which is floating on waters teeming with crocodiles...
A Tale of Two Plates

A Tale of Two Plates

Precisely four hundred years ago one of two plates began a startling journey around the planet. This morning I find myself in a stairwell at the Rijksmuseum. I intended to write in the library but it’s closed as it is a public holiday. It kind of sucks but at...
The Passing Of Daisy Bates

The Passing Of Daisy Bates

During the writing of Loreless I did an enormous amount of research, much more then I could ever actually use in the book. I have decided to share some of this information, and at the same time, give you a bit of an insight into the writing process. In the book there...
Great Uncle Josiah Goes To War

Great Uncle Josiah Goes To War

My great-uncle Josiah was in his sixties when he enlisted. Like many men during the Great War he faked his age in order to be accepted. What made his story different from most was that he lowered it. Most men put their ages up. He said he was forty-four. I don’t know...
The Not So Great War

The Not So Great War

Over a hundred years ago, my grandfather went off to war. He was young, and possibly, panting at the bit to go. He may have gone earlier if it hadn’t been for age restrictions. It was to be a great adventure. Every able-bodied man wanted to be part of...
Coping With Expat Sickness

Coping With Expat Sickness

I can’t relate to my birth country anymore. I feel like a stranger there. Not only that, I don’t feel that I belong there anymore. It must be some form of expat sickness. It’s a strange thing really, being so disjointed. Maybe that’s not the right word. Disowned? Also...
How To Become A Publishing Expert

How To Become A Publishing Expert

There seems to be no end of people online with an opinion on writing. And not only about what the best methods are for putting words on the page, there are also literally thousands giving advice on publishing. I’m no publishing expert but it is clear to me that...
Painting The Problem We All Live With

Painting The Problem We All Live With

Yesterday I made a discovery. I came across a very special painting by an American artist who was active in the middle of the twentieth century. Norman Rockwell worked predominately for magazines and illustrated their covers. In order to make a living as an artist he...
Invoking Parkinson’s Law

Invoking Parkinson’s Law

Mr. Parkinson had it all worked out. Government departments have a peculiar way of working. There is a certain amount of work to be done. It makes no difference if you have a week to do it in or a year. The work will get done in the prescribed amount of time. It will...
The Bureaucrat

The Bureaucrat

He peered up at me from his little hole and hissed, “Tip”. “Huh?” Again, this time a little louder and a lot more snake-like. “Tip!” The penny dropped. “Aah.” We had just spent the best part of an hour trying to get...
Research and Memory

Research and Memory

Research takes a lot time. It also involves an enormous amount of reading. Most of it goes in and gets lost somewhere in the recesses of your brain. You can’t absorb everything in detail. Somehow your brain filters out the unimportant stuff and you’re just...
Rainbow Wanderer

Rainbow Wanderer

Rainbow Wanderer My whole life has been about the journey. I never know exactly where it’s leading, but that is of minor importance to me. I get off on the trip. I get off on going somewhere.   Of course, I do have goals, but over time they change. Most of them...

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