First Live Author Interview: Chatting With Lisa White

Mar 10, 2017Inspiration, Publishing, Reviews, Writing

This week I was interviewed by fellow independent author Lisa White.

It is the first time I have put myself out there on film as an author.

Not only do I think filming interviews like this helps an author to get more exposure to readers, it can also assist other authors.

Surprisingly it also helped me.


Watching the video gave me some perspective on where I am in my publishing and writing career. It helped me gain some fresh insights into my own writer’s journey. Sharing my experiences in this way with another author was somehow cathartic.

Being an author doesn’t mean having to live a solitary existence.

Since I started publishing I have found tons of enthusiastic writers to share my experiences with. A great many of them are only to happy to help each other to rise above the mire. It is extremely positive.

I am finding that independent publishing has many aspects which go beyond merely putting books out into the world.


The biggest gain is becoming part of a vibrant community.

Lisa and I came into contact through the author organisation ALLi. By some twist of fate it turned out we are from the same town. So, even though I live on the other side of the world, I had to go home to start this part of my journey.

Enjoy the interview!

For the original post of this interview and other encouragement and insights on independent publishing visit Lisa White’s website.


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