How To Demolish A Community

How To Demolish A Community

At present I am an artist-in-residence in Bajesdorp, a small community in Amsterdam. However, perhaps not for very much longer. The community is facing a difficult future. The Dutch government has sold the land it stands on to a developer. In a few short months they...
Attempting to Dissect a Bad Review

Attempting to Dissect a Bad Review

I recently received a rather confronting review on Amazon about my novel Loreless. Some of it was positive, some bordering on an insult and, in part, outright scathing. At least that was how I read it and I feel compelled to react. As an author, I have been advised...
Don’t Look Back In Anger

Don’t Look Back In Anger

One of the finest songs Noel Gallagher ever wrote was “Don’t Look Back in Anger”. I rediscovered it yesterday and it is stuck in my head and won’t leave me alone. I was a fan of Oasis in their early days. Then they lost it and they lost me. I was only interested in...
Perseverance Is Everything

Perseverance Is Everything

I have been struggling. Perseverance is getting me down. Writing itself and being a dedicated author is not a problem. It’s more about coming to terms with finding an audience. Creating a novel is only part of my job as an author. I have to make sure others can...
Being Unemployed Is Hard Work

Being Unemployed Is Hard Work

I’m not unemployed. It’s not true. In fact I’m constantly employed. I write. I make music. I run two bands. I do historical  research and take courses in marketing. I maintain a website. I blog. I soak up every snippet of information on writing that I can find. I am a...
Finding Your Voice Is A Balancing Act

Finding Your Voice Is A Balancing Act

In a couple of days the band will be returning to the recording studio for probably the last session this year. It’s mixing time! I have just been listening back to the first rough mixes of the recordings. We did them over six months ago during our first session in...
Anatomy Of A First Reading

Anatomy Of A First Reading

Over weekend I broke new ground as an author, I did a public reading. It was quite an experience. According to one of my listeners, it was a world premiere. This was fortunate, as a small cross-section of the world was there to listen. The venue, if you can call it...
The Passing Of Daisy Bates

The Passing Of Daisy Bates

During the writing of Loreless I did an enormous amount of research, much more then I could ever actually use in the book. I have decided to share some of this information, and at the same time, give you a bit of an insight into the writing process. In the book there...
You Are The God Of Your Creative Universe

You Are The God Of Your Creative Universe

I went to see author T. C. Boyle speak towards the end of last year. It was the first time I had been to a book launch or an evening with sort of event. I didn’t expect to discover an important lesson in how to control my creative universe. A part of me went...
Painting The Problem We All Live With

Painting The Problem We All Live With

Yesterday I made a discovery. I came across a very special painting by an American artist who was active in the middle of the twentieth century. Norman Rockwell worked predominately for magazines and illustrated their covers. In order to make a living as an artist he...

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