Don’t Look Back In Anger

Don’t Look Back In Anger

One of the finest songs Noel Gallagher ever wrote was “Don’t Look Back in Anger”. I rediscovered it yesterday and it is stuck in my head and won’t leave me alone. I was a fan of Oasis in their early days. Then they lost it and they lost me. I was only interested in...
Patti Smith Does The Paradiso

Patti Smith Does The Paradiso

First off, it’s not called the Paradisio. It’s the Paradiso. Ok, it’s only one extra syllable, but if you know it, it’s irritating. I’m sure she knew it, or maybe it was just another one of those times when a tourist misinterprets something. She was in a foreign...
We Can Be Heroes

We Can Be Heroes

The week that was, last week, was quite something. We lost, or I lost, I don’t know what your opinion is on this, two heroes. If I stand corrected, it was actually three. One was buried and the others actually did the passing on. I suppose you could consider them...

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