Don’t Look Back In Anger

Don’t Look Back In Anger

One of the finest songs Noel Gallagher ever wrote was “Don’t Look Back in Anger”. I rediscovered it yesterday and it is stuck in my head and won’t leave me alone. I was a fan of Oasis in their early days. Then they lost it and they lost me. I was only interested in...
Finding Your Voice Is A Balancing Act

Finding Your Voice Is A Balancing Act

In a couple of days the band will be returning to the recording studio for probably the last session this year. It’s mixing time! I have just been listening back to the first rough mixes of the recordings. We did them over six months ago during our first session in...
Emerging from a Musical Wilderness

Emerging from a Musical Wilderness

Emerging from a Musical Wilderness We have been in the wilderness. It’s been five years since the last Whittlesea album was released. This means that it has been more than six years since we were in the studio. That’s an incredibly long time between recordings. It...

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