Stop Chasing The Muse

Stop Chasing The Muse

Yesterday I was reading an article about writing and the subject of the muse came up. muse noun ˈmyüz 1 capitalised  :  any of the nine sister goddesses in Greek mythology presiding over song and poetry and the arts and sciences 2:  a source of...
How to Surrender to Triumph and Failure

How to Surrender to Triumph and Failure

I am about to spend another weekend in the recording studio. A few months ago we began working on a new album. At that first recording session, I was forced to question whether what I was doing was a triumph or a failure. The owner of the studio is a guy called Milan....
Patti Smith Does The Paradiso

Patti Smith Does The Paradiso

First off, it’s not called the Paradisio. It’s the Paradiso. Ok, it’s only one extra syllable, but if you know it, it’s irritating. I’m sure she knew it, or maybe it was just another one of those times when a tourist misinterprets something. She was in a foreign...
The Not So Great War

The Not So Great War

Over a hundred years ago, my grandfather went off to war. He was young, and possibly, panting at the bit to go. He may have gone earlier if it hadn’t been for age restrictions. It was to be a great adventure. Every able-bodied man wanted to be part of...
Hobby Is A Dirty Word

Hobby Is A Dirty Word

Yesterday, I had a bit of a moment. My so-called hobby was challenged.   Over the past few months I have steadily been building up momentum as an author. I set up a website. I have had my book edited, I have had a cover designed. I have absorbed oceans of tips on...
We Can Be Heroes

We Can Be Heroes

The week that was, last week, was quite something. We lost, or I lost, I don’t know what your opinion is on this, two heroes. If I stand corrected, it was actually three. One was buried and the others actually did the passing on. I suppose you could consider them...
Hope Rules, OK?

Hope Rules, OK?

Loreless is about hope. The tantalising thought that change can still happen drove me to write the book. I still hope. I still believe that change will come. The basic idea for the book came to me almost 25 years ago and my feelings have not changed. I continue to...
How To Become A Publishing Expert

How To Become A Publishing Expert

There seems to be no end of people online with an opinion on writing. And not only about what the best methods are for putting words on the page, there are also literally thousands giving advice on publishing. I’m no publishing expert but it is clear to me that...
The Infancy Of A Novel

The Infancy Of A Novel

Loreless, the novel which I have struggled to complete, began a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. Well not exactly, but I was on another part of the planet and it was a great distance from where I am now. It actually bothers me how long it has taken to get to...
The Bureaucrat

The Bureaucrat

He peered up at me from his little hole and hissed, “Tip”. “Huh?” Again, this time a little louder and a lot more snake-like. “Tip!” The penny dropped. “Aah.” We had just spent the best part of an hour trying to get...
Research and Memory

Research and Memory

Research takes a lot time. It also involves an enormous amount of reading. Most of it goes in and gets lost somewhere in the recesses of your brain. You can’t absorb everything in detail. Somehow your brain filters out the unimportant stuff and you’re just...
Rainbow Wanderer

Rainbow Wanderer

Rainbow Wanderer My whole life has been about the journey. I never know exactly where it’s leading, but that is of minor importance to me. I get off on the trip. I get off on going somewhere.   Of course, I do have goals, but over time they change. Most of them...
Emerging from a Musical Wilderness

Emerging from a Musical Wilderness

Emerging from a Musical Wilderness We have been in the wilderness. It’s been five years since the last Whittlesea album was released. This means that it has been more than six years since we were in the studio. That’s an incredibly long time between recordings. It...

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