Anais Blue Series, Books, Fiction
10 Signs You Should Invest In A Witch This advice will only apply to you if you no longer inhabit the world of the living. In other words, 10 signs that you are possibly deceased, according to the ground rules of Anaïs Blue series. In Thistle Witch I use the premise...
Inspiration, Research, Reviews, Writing
For Father’s Day I wanted to do something with my kids. I decided to go to a movie. I wanted to see a specific movie which I had heard had touched people. We went to see Wonder Woman. The Cinema We went to what I consider Amsterdam’s best cinema. It is a masterpiece...
Encouragement, Inspiration, Publishing, Writing
I kind of lost the plot for a while (slight pun intended). I forgot to manage my time. I got caught up in the business of publishing. I have been obsessed with watching my sales rankings and trying to optimise my book’s descriptions, categories and...
Books, Education, Publishing, Reviews
As an independent author, where the online realm is my bread and butter, a reader’s opinion is crucial. Reviews on online stores are extremely important. They give other consumers a better impression of the books they are interested in. It’s called social proof. The...
Inspiration, Publishing, Reviews, Writing
This week I was interviewed by fellow independent author Lisa White. It is the first time I have put myself out there on film as an author. Not only do I think filming interviews like this helps an author to get more exposure to readers, it can also assist other...
Inspiration, Research, Reviews, Writing
Every year I travel to Rotterdam for their international film festival. There is always something inspiring to see. Writing is my passion and so is cinema. Nothing really beats images when you wish to convey a story. I was quite satisfied with my choices this year and...
Inspiration, Music, Reviews, Writing
A few months ago, in March of 2016, I saw Patti Smith perform for the first time. Before seeing her live show I knew her music but nothing about her background, nor anything about her real personality. I was both impressed and moved by her performance. At the Nobel...
Inspiration, Reviews, Writing
Learning the ropes as an author and independent publisher involves gleaning information from all kinds of sources. Inevitably you are drawn into what the internet has to offer. There are thousands of experts and gurus out there who are more than willing to share their...
Books, Loreless, Publishing
About a week ago everything changed, again. I sent my book Loreless out into the world. To use a well-worn cliché, it was a baptism of fire. On the morning preceding publishing day I wrote down my thoughts. Now they make interesting reading. Escaping with words I...
Books, Loreless, Reviews, Writing
Twenty years of garnering knowledge, and four years of writing and learning to become a publisher, have led me to this point. A book on the market. I know it’s not the done thing, but if you need something to entertain your eyes, go buy a book. Preferably...
Inspiration, Reviews, Writing
For the past few years I have religiously spent a few days at the end of January in Rotterdam at the International Film Festival. This year was no different. Well, it was a bit different. I usually go at the beginning of the 10 day festival, this time I went at the...